Lord John Russell moved the second reading of the County and District Constables Bill.
was friendly to the bill, and in the county of Monmouth had made arrangements for the meeting of the Quarter Sessions, so as to suit the passing of the measure; but he would prefer that the rates should be collected in parishes or townships, so as to adapt the expense to the actual wants of districts. Some parishes did not require any new constabulary force, and it would be hard to make them pay for the wants of others.
would have been glad, if he had found it consistent with his duty to postpone this bill till another Session, but the state of the country would not justify that course. The noble Lord, the Member for Monmouthshire, thinks it would be preferable to have the rates collected from parishes rather than by divisions of counties. Some words might be requisite to define what was meant by a division. But he was not of opinion that the bill should authorise a separate parochial rate. He feared that such a course would establish too many independent bodies, and destroy the uniformity which was one great object of the bill.
Bill read a second time.