Thursday, August 8,1839.
MINUTES.] Bills. Read a first time:—Ports of Count ties; Administration of Justice.—Read a second time:—Bank of Ireland; Joint Stock Banking Companies.
Petitions presented. By Mr. Fielden, from Futtenham, and several other places, against the New Poor-law.—By Mr. T. Dumcombe, from St. Andrew's, Holborn, against the Collection of Rates Bill.—By Captain T. Wood, from Uxbridge, for the Suppression of Dog Carts.—By Mr. O'Connell, from Clara, and Tuam, against the Bank of Ireland Charter.—By Lord J. Russell, from the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, for Legislative Enactments to regulate Admission into the Medical Profession—By Sir R. Inglis, from the Clergy of Durham, against the Church Discipline Bill; from Clergy of Dorchester, against the Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill; and from Freshford, against a further Grant to Mayuooth.—By Viscount Morpeth, from Donegal, for an Alteration in the Grand Jury Laws (Ireland); and from the Geological Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, for the Structure of National Maps on a large scale.