said, that his attention had been called to a Report which had been made by certain Commissioners who had been appointed by the Governor of British Guiana to inquire into the state and prospects of that colony. That report contained some very important statements, and he understood had been in this country for about three months. He wished to know from the Under Secretary for the Colonies whether it was now in the possession of the Colonial Office; whether it had been all that length of time in their possession; and, if so, what had prevented its being laid on the table of the House?
said, that the report to which the hon. Baronet alluded had been received between two and three months ago, and was now in the possession of the Colonial Office. It had been received by the Colonial Office in a printed form, the copies having been printed in London. It was obvious, therefore, that it must have boon known to many hon. Gentlemen; but no one having moved for its production, it had not been laid upon the table of the House. There was no objection, however, to its production, provided the hon. Baronet would move also for the correspondence connected with it.
said, he would allow the hon. Gentleman to accompany the report with such papers as he might think fit.