said, he wished to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty, If he will lay upon the table of the House, the Report of the Attack upon Tringanu by Her Majesty's ship Scaut, on the 11th November, 1862; and to ask the Secretary of Stale for India, if he will lay upon the table of the House any correspondence from the Governor of Singapore, or the Government of India on this subject; and to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, if he will lay before the House the Papers containing a correspondence from the Government of Siam and Sir R. Schomburgh on the same subject?
said, the answer which he had to give to the hon. and gallant Member would equally serve for the departments of his noble Friend the Secretary to the Admiralty and his hon. Friend the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs. When the whole of the Papers in question had been received, there would be no objection to lay them on the table. The last despatch received from India intimated that other Papers on the same subject were about to be sent home, and he therefore thought it would be improper to produce only a, portion of them.