said, he would beg to ask Lord Stanley, Whether the two volumes folio containing the Report of the Indian Army Sanitary Commission will be presented to the House; and, if not, what are the reasons for omitting to do so?
said, the Report of the Commission and a summary of the evidence in octavo form had been circulated among hon. Members. There was a larger publication, in two volumes folio, containing the Report, the evidence, and a voluminous appendix; but he could not say whether it would be circulated among the Members as a body, or supplied only to those who asked for it. The latter course would probably be taken, but it rested not with the Chairman, but with the head of the Indian Department to decide that question.
said, the Report had for some time been laid on the table of the House.
said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, whether any hon. Member might have the Papers on applying for them?
replied, that the course which had always been pursued with respect to Parliamentary Papers had been followed in this case. These Reports had been on the table of the House for some time. He had no control over Papers on the table of the House.