Mr. Speaker informed the House, that he had received from the Judges selected, pursuant to the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, for the trial of Election Petitions, Certificates and Reports relating to the Elections for the Borough of Brecon; for the Borough of Shrewsbury; for the City of Norwich. And the same were severally read.
Brecon Borough Election.—Certificate of Mr. Justice Byles.—In the matter of the Petition relating to the last Election of a Member of Par- liament for the Borough of Brecon. That the Respondent James Price William Gwynne Holford was duly elected and returned at the said Election.
Shrewsbury Borough Election.—Certificate of Mr. Justice Channell.—In the matter of the Petition relating to the last Election of a Member of Parliament for the Borough of Shrewsbury. That Douglas Straight, esquire, was duly elected and returned at the said Election.
Norwich City Election.—Certificate of Mr. Justice Keating.—In the matter of a Petition in which Gardener Christopher Stevens was Petitioner; and Jacob Henry Tillett was Respondent. That the said Jacob Henry Tillett was not duly returned or elected to serve in Parliament for the said City of Norwich. That the Election of the said Jacob Henry Tillett for the City of Norwich was a void Election. [And other facts found.]
House adjourned at a quarter after Nine o'clock.