asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether the stores required by the Admiralty are purchased or contracted for through the agency of brokers, or by open competiton, or by application to selected lists of merchants and tradesmen, or by all the three modes; and, whether he is willing to lay upon the Table of the House, or to consent to a Return of the names of the Brokers usually applied to; of the title and place of publication of the Newspapers in which advertisements for Tenders are inserted; and, of the names of the selected Merchants and Tradesmen applied to in each of the several classes of Stores required?
in reply, said, that stores were purchased in three ways—through brokers, and by application to selected lists of merchants, but mainly by open competition. Information on the subject had been laid before the recent Committee on Contracts, and hon. Members would be able to refer to the Evidence, as it would be printed and placed on the Table.