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Committee Adjourned Debate

Volume 217: debated on Monday 14 July 1873

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Order read, for resuming Adjourned Debate on Question [3rd July],

"That it be an Instruction to the Committee that they have power to make provision for rendering compulsory in England and Wales the highway Acts 1362 and 1864."—( Lord George Cavendish.)

Question again proposed.

Debate resumed.

said, that bearing in mind what had taken place the other evening on his Motion for an Instruction, and considering the pledge of the hon. Gentleman the Secretary of the Local Government Board that the Government would be prepared to introduce a measure on the subject early next Session, he would not further press his Instruction. He did not wish to put hon. Members to inconvenience, and feeling that they could not have it all their own way in this world—and certainly not in this House—he would by permission of the House withdraw his Motion.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

said, he was sorry the noble Lord had allowed himself to be frightened from his Resolution and Instruction by the persistence of a minority—he should have thought better of the noble Lord if he had exhibited the "courage of his opinions." He had himself given Notice to move that the House should go into Committee on the Bill on that day three months; but as the noble Lord had withdrawn his Instruction he should follow his example and withdraw his Notice.

Bill considered in Committee.

After long time spent therein,

Bill reported, as amended, to be considered this day, at Two of the clock.