said, that in the absence of the Chief Secretary for Ireland, he would ask the right hon. Gentleman at the head of the Government the Question of which he had given Notice, Whether, considering the freedom from crime which in the words of Mr. Justice Lawson "places Louth in the first rank as a model county," the Government will any longer retain in that county an extra police force, and exact payment therefor from the payers of county cess, without at least giving them an opportunity of expressing, in some official or authoritative manner, their opinion as to the necessity under existing circumstances of burthening the rates with increased taxation for the maintenance of an extra police force?
said, he had not had time to examine the Question. He understood that his noble Friend the Chief Secretary for Ireland had not received the necessary information from there, and that he would answer the Question at the earliest moment.
gave Notice that he would repeat his Question on Friday.
Metropolis—Hyde Park—Bathing In The Serpentine—Question
asked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether any complaints have been made to him of the limited area allowed to bathers in the Serpentine; and, whether he can arrange for more ample accommodation?
said, in reply, some persons had taken exception to what the hon. and learned Member called the "limited area" for bathing in the Serpentine; but he (Mr. Ayrton) ventured to think that, as the practice, scarcely decent, if not disgusting, of a number of persons bathing in the evening just at the time when a great number of persons were enjoying their leisure in the Park, was one that had better be discouraged than increased, he did not think that the area was of too narrow limits. At the same time, he had always been desirous the public should have facilities for bathing in the Park, and he had intended to make a proposal to the Government on the subject, when a lady who had long resided in the metropolis offered to make large baths at her own expense. Plans were prepared and were submitted to Her Majesty, who expressed great satisfaction at the benevolence of that lady in this undertaking; but just as the contract was being made, the lady unfortunately died without leaving any powers to fulfil her intentions. Her estate had fallen into the hands of the Crown at present, but was likely to be claimed by some one of those persons who always turned up when large fortunes were at stake. Whether the estate reverted to the Crown or not it would be necessary to give the question of bathing accommodation full consideration. If it did, he could not doubt that some part of it would be applied to carry out the intentions of the lady.