Leave First Readtng
, in rising to move for leave to bring in a Bill to repeal "The Criminal Law Amendment Act (1871)," said, having regard to the fact that Her Majesty's Government had appointed a Royal Commission to inquire into the subject, and that they had promised to legislate upon it during the present Session, he was willing to postpone the second reading of the Bill until the 10th of June. Before that time they could hardly expect the Commission to make their Report, and after that time legislation might be regarded as impracticable.
said, he did not rise for the purpose of opposing the introduction of this Bill; but he was glad to find that the hon. Member proposed to defer its second reading at all events for a considerable time. He should like to say, as there had been some misconception upon the matter, that the first moment that the most urgent business which the Government had to deal with was disposed of, he had brought before their attention what he thought was the most pressing matter connected with the particular Department of which he had charge—namely, this question of the disputes which had arisen as to the working of two Acts of Parliament that had lately been passed, and the Government took up that matter at the first possible opportunity. He should like also to state that the way in which they found matters was this: A Royal Commission had been issued which had accumulated a vast amount of facts, and upon these facts Parliament had legislated. Two Acts of Parliament had been passed regulating the relations between master and servant; but complaint had been made that serious differences of opinion had arisen amongst large classes of Her Majesty's subjects with reference to the working of these Acts of Parliament. There was no information that he could place his hands upon, in the Home Office or elsewhere, to show the particular eases as to which complaints had arisen, and it became the duty of the Government to see how best they could inform themselves as to the matters in dispute. The working of the Law of Conspiracy having been questioned, it was necessary before legislating that they should have the advice of some of Her Majesty's Judges, and that the Judges should obtain information on which to give advice. The Government, therefore, thought the best way was to appoint a Royal Commission of perfectly independent men to consider what were the precise points in dispute, and to ascertain the facts. The Government had undertaken to do their duty, and hoped to receive the Report of the Committee in such time as to enable them to legislate upon the matter during the present Session.
Motion agreed to.
Bill to repeal "The Criminal Law Amendment Act 1871," ordered to be brought in by Mr. MUNDELLA, Mr. EUSTACK SMITH, Mr. MACDONALD, Mr. BURT, Mr. CARTER, and Mr. MORLEY.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 41.]
Jury System (Ireland)
Select Committee appointed, "to inquire and report on the working of the Irish Jury system before and since the passing of the. Act 34 and 35 Vie. c. 65: and whether any and what amendments are necessary to secure the due administration of justice."—( Mr. Brucn.)
And, on April 20, Committee nominated as follows:—Sir MICHAEL HIOKS BEACH, The Marquess of HARTINOTON, Br. BALL., Viscount CRICHTON, Mr. LAW, Mr. PLUNKET, Mr. O'RELLY, Mr. LOPFS The O'DONOGHUE, Mr. MULHOLLAND, Mr. DOWNING, Mr. VERNER. Mr. HKNRY HKKHKKT, Mr. SYNA and Mr. BRUEN:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.
And, on April 22, The O'Conor Don, and Sir Arthur Guinness added.
Public Petitions
Select Committee appointed, "to whom shall be referred all Petitions presented to the House, with the exception of such as relate to Private Bills; and that such Committee do classify and prepare abstracts of the same, in such form and manner as shall appear to them best suited to convey to the House all requisite information respecting their contents, and do report the same from time to time to the House: and that such Reports do in all cases set forth the number of Signatures to each Petition:—And that such Committee have power to direct the printing in extenso of such Petitions, or of such parts of Petitions, as shall appear to require it:—And that such Committee have power to report then-opinion and observations thereupon to the House:"—Sir CHARLES FORSTER, Mr. KAN-SHUTTLEWORTH, The O'DONOGHUE, Mr. O'CONOR, Mr. M'LAGAN, Karl DE GREY, Mr. KINNAIRD, Lord ARTHUR. BUSSELL, Mr. WILLIAM ORMSRV GORE, Mr. CAVENDISH BENTINCK, Mr. RECINALD YORKE, Sir CHAKLES RUSSELL, Mr. SANDFORD, MR. SIMONDS, and Viscount CRICHTON:—Three to be the quorum.—( Sir Charles Forster.)
Game Laws Abolition Bill
On Motion of Mr. P. A. TAYLOR, Bill for the Abolition of the Game Laws, ordered to be brought in by Mr. P. A. TAYLOR, Mr. BURT, Mr. DICKINSON, Mr. GEORGE DINON, and Mr. M'COMBIR.
Bill presented, and road the first time. [Bill 36.]
Came Birds (Ireland) Bill
On Motion of Viscount CRICHTON, Bill for altering the shooting season for Grouse and certain other Game Birds in Ireland, ordered to be brought in by Viscount CRICHTON, Mr. Serjeant SHERLOCK, and The Marquess of HAMILTON.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 37.]
Monastic And Conventual Institutions Bill
On Motion of Mr. NEWDEGATE, Bill for appointing Commissioners to inquire respecting Monastic and Conventual Institutions in Great Britain, and for other purposes connected therewith, ordered to be brought in by Mr. NEWDEGATE, Sir THOMAS CHAMBERS, and Mr. HOLT.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 38.]
Hypothec (Scotland) Bill
On Motion of Mr. VANS AGNEW, Bill to abolish the Landlord's right of Hypothec for Rent, except in regard to Dwelling-houses, in Scotland, ordered to he brought in by Mr. VANS AGNEW, Mr. BAILLIE HAMILTON, Sir WILLIAM STIRLING MAXWELL, and Sir GEORGE DOUGLAS.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 30.]
Wild Animals (Scotland) Bill
On Motion of Mr. JAMES BARCLAY, Bill to amend the Laws relating to Wild Animals in Scotland, ordered to he brought in by Mr. JAMES BARCLAY, Mr. TREVELYAN, and Mr. FORDYCE.
Bill presented, and road the first time. [Bill 40.]
Registration Of Firms Bill
On Motion of Mr. NORWOOD, Bill for the Registration of certain Firms carrying on business in the United Kingdom, ordered to be brought in by Mr. NORWOOD, MR. SAMPSON LLOYD, and Mr. WRITWELL.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 12.]
Sale Of Liquors On Sunday (Ireland) Bill
On Motion of Mr. RICHARD SMYTH, Bill to prevent the sale of Spirituous Liquors in Public Houses on Sunday in Ireland, ordered to be brought in by Mr. RICHARD SMYTH, The O'CONOR Dux, Viscount CRICHTON, Mr. DEASK, Mr. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, Mr. REDMOND, MR. JAMES CORKY, and Mr. THOMAS DICKSON.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 43.]
Homicide Law Amendment Bill
On Motion of Mr. RUSSELL GURNKY, Bill to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Homicide, ordered to be brought in; by Mr. RUSSELL GURNEY and Mr. LOPES.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 44.]
Conjugal Rights (Scotland) Act Amendment Bill
On Motion of Mr. ANDERSON, Bill to amend the Conjugal Rights (Scotland) Act, ordered to be brought in by Mr. ANDERSON, Sir EDWARD COLEBROOKE, Mr. ORB EWING, Mr. JAMES COWAN, Mr. LEITH, and Mr. YKAMAN.
Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 46.]
Ways And Means
Resolution [March 23] reported and agreed to—Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. RAIKES, Mr. CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER, and Mr. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH.
Bill presented, and read the first time.
Public Works Loan Commissioners Loans To School Boards
Considered in Committee.
(In the Committee.)
Resolved, That it is expedient to authorise an Advance or Advances, not exceeding £1,500,000, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom, to the Public Works Loan Commissioners, for enabling them to make Loans to School Boards in pursuance of "The Elementary Education Act, 1870."
Resolution to be reported
House adjourned at Seven o'clock.