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Jury System (Ireland)

Volume 218: debated on Tuesday 24 March 1874

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Select Committee appointed, "to inquire and report on the working of the Irish Jury system before and since the passing of the. Act 34 and 35 Vie. c. 65: and whether any and what amendments are necessary to secure the due administration of justice."—( Mr. Brucn.)

And, on April 20, Committee nominated as follows:—Sir MICHAEL HIOKS BEACH, The Marquess of HARTINOTON, Br. BALL., Viscount CRICHTON, Mr. LAW, Mr. PLUNKET, Mr. O'RELLY, Mr. LOPFS The O'DONOGHUE, Mr. MULHOLLAND, Mr. DOWNING, Mr. VERNER. Mr. HKNRY HKKHKKT, Mr. SYNA and Mr. BRUEN:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.
And, on April 22, The O'Conor Don, and Sir Arthur Guinness added.