(3.) 60,000 Men and Boys, Sea and Coast Guard Services, including 14,000 Royal Marines.
, in moving a Vote for 60,000 Men and Boys, said, as before intimated, that he proposed to lay the Navy Estimates before the Committee on the 20th of April. As, however, it was necessary in the meantime to take steps for the renewal of the Mutiny Act, he desired the Committee to show him some indulgence by passing at the present sitting, and without debate, the Vote for the number of men required. The number mentioned in the Vote was 60,000 men and boys, including 14,000 Royal Marines; and that was just what his right hon. Friend opposite (Mr. Goschen) would have proposed had he remained in office.
said, he understood that the proposal of the right hon. Gentleman would not preclude hon. Members from discussing Vote 1 on a future occasion; and, under the circumstances that had boon referred to, he thought the Committee would not object to the course suggested.
Vote agreed to.
House resumed.
Resolutions to be reported To-morrow; Committee to sit again upon Monday 13th April.