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Parliament—Business Of The House—Resolution

Volume 220: debated on Thursday 2 July 1874

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"That, whenever the House shall meet at Two of the clock, the sitting of the House shall be held subject to the Resolutions of the House of the 30th day of April 1869."

asked the right hon. Gentleman the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether he could give him any assurance that an opportunity would be afforded him before it was too late in the Session for bringing forward the question of the Abolition of Turnpike Trusts?

, in reply, said, it was already late in the Session, that no doubt the subject would maintain its interest to the last, and that he should be happy to give the hon. Baronet a day when he could.

said, that being so he should raise the question by moving the following Resolution on the Motion for the Second Reading of the Turnpike Acts continuance Bill:—

"That the continued and increasing extinction of Turnpike Trusts, as contemplated by this Bill, without due provision being made by legislation for the future management and maintenance of the roads of Turnpike Trusts so abolished, so as to avoid the hardship and injustice now entailed under the present system on the ratepayers of various parishes, is inexpedient."

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, When the promised Bill relating to the Law affecting Trades Unions was likely to be introduced?

, in reply, said, that the Commission appointed at the beginning of the Session had not, so far as he was aware, concluded its labours, and until its Report was in his hands it was impossible for him to take any action upon it.

Motion agreed to.