asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether any measures, and if so what measures, affecting the Government of India have been introduced into Parliament by Secretaries of State for India, without having previously consulted their Council; and, whether the Government has decided when the India Councils Bill will be proceeded with?
Sir, it would be impossible for me to mention within the limits of an Answer all the measures affecting the Government of India which have been introduced into Parliament by Secretaries of State without official consultation with their Council; but I will mention the three latest and most important—namely, an Act in 1869 to amend in certain respects the Act for the better Government of India, another Act of the same year to define the powers of the Governor General of India in Council, and lastly, an Act in 1870 to make better provision for making laws and regulations in certain parts of India. The India Councils Bill will stand the Second Order of the Day on Monday next, but will not be proceeded with after 9 o'clock.