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Egypt—Mr Rivers Wilson—Egyptian Finance—Question

Volume 229: debated on Thursday 11 May 1876

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asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether Mr. Rivers Wilson is or is not still in the Civil Service of Her Majesty; whether he has accepted office under the Khedive of Egypt; whether any person has been designated or recommended by Her Majesty's Government who is to be appointed by the Khedive to superintend the payment of the Egyptian debt, and whether the Government have any information that any person has been so designated or recommended by any Foreign Government; whether by any and what arrangement a portion of the founders' shares of the Suez Canal have been placed at the disposal of the British Government; and, when he will bring forward the Vote for the expense of Mr. Cave's mission, and give the House an opportunity of discussing the subject of that mission?

Mr. Rivers Wilson went out to Egypt about two months ago on leave of absence, with the understanding that if he should take service under the Khedive of Egypt he would resign his appointment in the Civil Service of Her Majesty. We are not informed as to the determination of Mr. Rivers Wilson; but as the time of his leave of absence has now very nearly expired, we shall very shortly know the conclusion at which he has arrived as to taking service under the Khedive. No person has been designated or recommended by Her Majesty's Government to be appointed by the Khedive to superintend the payment of the Egyptian debt, and I am not in a position to state what arrangement has been made or is in contemplation between the Government of Egypt and any foreign Governments. In answer to the second Question, I may say that no arrangement has been made with regard to the Founders' shares in the Suez Canal; and with regard to the last Question I may state that we expect very shortly to be in a position to lay Papers on the Table of the House explanatory of what has recently occurred, and when these Papers are in the hands of hon. Members Her Majesty's Government will be in a position to move a Vote for the expenses of Mr. Cave's mission. There will then be an opportunity of discussing the whole question.