asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether there was any foundation for a statement published to-day in the "Standard" to the effect that on the refusal of the Ambassadors of Madagascar to sign a Treaty drawn up by the French Foreign Office, their Flag was removed against their will from the window of the hotel at which they lodged in Paris; whether they, in consequence, left Paris for London; and, if so, whether, on their arrival in England, they would be received in the manner due to the Representatives of a friendly Power?
Her Majesty's Government have not received from Lord Lyons any information on the subject in the course of the day. I have frequently stated that it was the intention of the Ambassadors to visit this country; but we have not yet heard whether they have arrived here or not.
If they do arrive, will they be received as the Representatives of a friendly Power?
Of course, we shall receive them as such in a fitting manner when they arrive.