On the Order for the Second Reading of this Bill,
said, it was intended to get rid of some anomalies which existed in the civil law and the criminal law in cases of aggravated assaults on wives by husbands, and, further, to give similar relief in cases of persistent cruelty by a husband towards a wife as now existed in cases of aggravated assault. He had had a communication from the Home Secretary that he did not object to the Second Reading of the Bill. The Bill had been suggested to him by the Chairman of the Essex Bench of magistrates; and its provisions had been read and approved of by two Metropolitan magistrates.
Bill read 2°.
MR. BYRNE moved, "That the Bill be committed to the Standing Committee on Law, &c."
said, the Second Reading of the Bill had been allowed on the understanding that the Government approved of it; but he thought, before they proceeded further, they ought to get an opportunity of seeing the Bill.
I do not know whether my hon. Friend has communicated with the Home Secretary with reference to sending the Bill to the Standing Committee on Law.
I suggested that course to him, and thought it was the proper course.
I must ask that the Motion be postponed till to-morrow.
Debate Adjourned till to-morrow.