Pier And Harbour Provisional Orders (No 2) Bill
Reported with Amendments [Provisional Orders confirmed]; Bill, as amended, considered; read the third time, and passed.
Elementary Education Provisional Order Confirmation (Tottenham) Bill Hl
Read the first time; and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, and to be printed.—[Bill 330.]
Life Assurance Companies (Pay- Ment Into Court) Bill Hl
Read the first time; to be read a second time To-morrow, and to be printed.—[Bill 331.]
New Writs
For County of Middlesex (Ealing Division) v. Right hon. George Francis Hamilton, commonly called Lord George Hamilton, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.
County of Lancashire, North (Blackpool Division) v. Right hon. Sir Matthew White Ridley, Baronet, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.
County of Lincolnshire (Sleaford Division) v. Right hon. Henry Chaplin, President of the Local Government Board.
Borough of Croydon v. Right hon. Charles Thompson Ritchie, President of the Board of Trade.— (Mr. Akers-Douglas.)
Business Of The House
who was received with cheers, said: I do not know whether it would be convenient to move the Adjournment of the House before the large number of Bills on the Paper are read over. I wish to state that I hope my right hon. Friend the First Lord of the Treasury will be in his place to-morrow, and will be able to answer any questions with regard to the conduct of public business. We intend to-morrow to put down a Vote on Account for the Civil Services as the first Order, to be followed by a Vote for the Navy and a Vote for the Army. There is one thing on the Paper—the Naval Works Bill — which I presume most Members desire to see carried into law—["Hear, hear!"]—and which will stand early on the Paper for to-morrow.
who was loudly cheered on rising, said: The suggestion the right hon. Gentleman has made is no doubt a convenient one. There may be appeals with reference to one or two Bills on the Paper, but they had better be deferred until the Leader of the House is in his place. With reference to business, as the right hon. Gentleman has announced that a statement will be made to-morrow, I think the most convenient course would be to accede to his suggestion and agree to the Motion to adjourn the House.
asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he could give an assurance that the grant of £3,000 to the University of Wales would be continued. He asked the question because a very important meeting of the governing body of the University would be held to-morrow, and because the Vote for the University was not included in the Estimates. [Cries of "Order!"] It was understood that the late Government would have brought in a Supplementary Estimate on the subject.
said, he was afraid he could not give the hon. Member any assurance on the matter until the Leader of the House was in his place.
Mr. Speaker, before the Adjournment of the House I wish to give notice that early next Session—[Cries of "Order!"]—I shall move—
"That, in the opinion of this House, the legislative power of all existing peers should be abolished—[Loud laughter]— and that no such power should henceforth he conferred on any persons not popularly elected." [Cheers and laughter.]
House adjourned at Twenty-five minutes before Four o'clock.