I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland if he can state whether the Agent of the Commissioners of Education has taken, or is instructed to take, proceedings to evict a tenant named Joseph Magennis, who resides in Derry-trisk, near Coalisland, county Tyrone, for a techuical breach of one of the provisions of the Land Act, which took place in ignorance of the law two years ago; and what steps, if any, it is proposed to take in this matter.
In this case I am informed that the tenant committed a breach of one of the statutory conditions of his tenancy by opening a house for the sale of intoxicating liquors without the consent of the Commissioners. The Commissioners, in consequence, have directed proceedings to be taken for the determination of the tenancy. They are willing to waive proceedings if the tenant surrenders his licence as required by them.