I beg to ask the Lord Advocate if he can state how many gunboats have been placed each year for the last five years at the disposal of the Scotch Fishery authorities by the Admiralty, with the view of preventing steam trawling on the Scotch coast in the prescribed waters.
I am informed by the Fishery Board that during the last five years H.M.S. "Jackal" or a substitute has been at their disposal for fishery superintendence under the Herring Fisheries (Scotland) Acts. The Board have also received occasional assistance from an Admiralty cruiser for the investigation of certain specific complaints of illegal trawling. It must be borne in mind, however, that the help given by the Admiralty is rendered in connection with the duties imposed upon them by the Sea Fisheries Act, 1883, and that these duties do not wholly refer to waters in which trawling is prohibited.
Did not the right hon. Gentleman last year state distinctly that two or three gunboats had been placed permanently at the disposal of the Fisheries Board?†
I remember giving an exact account of what had been done, and if the hon. Member refers to Hansard he will see what I said, no doubt.
In view of the fact that so much damage is done in Ireland, where so little of the gigantic expenditure on the Navy takes place, will the right hon. Gentleman take steps to impress on the Admiralty the desirability of sending a gunboat for the protection of the Irish fisheries?
[No answer was given.]
Have not the Admiralty now a gunboat on loan to the Scottish Fishery Board?
I must ask for notice.