I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that a distinct understanding was arrived at between the Kinsale Urban District Council and the War Office, with the approval of the Local Government Board, by which it was arranged that the War Office would advance the money required for providing a supplemental water supply in excess of the sum reached by the borrowing powers of the council and contract to take a water supply for the use of the military, recouping themselves for their outlay by an annual sinking fund covering principle and interest, to be taken credit for by them out of the amount to be annually paid for the water supply. Will he explain on what grounds, after the council had been put to an expense of about £200, the military authorities informed them that they had changed their mind and could not see their way to carry out the arrangement; and, if, under these circumstances, the matter will be re-considered with the object of enabling the district council to carry out the proposed work.
No, Sir. No such understanding was arrived at with the council. The council made a proposal to supply water to the barracks at Kinsale which would have involved an estimated advance of £5,000 from War Department Funds. It was not considered desirable to agree to it, and no arrangement whatever was made with the council.