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British Reverses—Oommander-In-Chief's Reports

Volume 90: debated on Monday 4 March 1901

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I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether, and, if so, when, ho will inform the House what were the actual circumstances of the surrenders at Nicholson's Nek, Reddersburg, and other unsuccessful actions in South Africa; and what is the report of the Commander-in-Chief thereupon.

(Mr. BRODRICK, Surrey, Guild- ]]]]HS_COL-367]]]] ford)

The Commander-in-Chief does not consider it desirable to make a special report on each of the unsuccessful actions in South Africa, hut he has taken steps to deal suitably in each case with the officers in fault.

On what ground was an exception made in the case of the action at Sanna's Post?

A special report was made in regard to that action, and in his original despatch Lord Roberts alluded to that as a separate despatch which ho would publish.

Are we to understand that we are not to take the answer just given as going back in any sense from the promise made lately in debate on this subject?