I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the approach of colder weather in South Africa, the Government will give the same facilities as they did last year for the transmission of extra comforts for men on service; and whether any information is available at the War Office which would indicate the sort of extras which would be most acceptable, and the localities in which they are most needed.
The same facilities for the transmission of extra comforts will be granted as last year. I will give my hon. friend a copy of the Departmental Memorandum detailing suitable articles for the troops in South Africa. Lord Kitchener, in reply to a telegram which I addressed to him on the subject, says that such extra comforts will be much appreciated, but I have no guidance as to localities.
Is it not the fact that many cases of comforts sent last Christmas never reached the unfortunate soldiers?
Yes; there was a great congestion of traffic on the railway.