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Secondary Education

Volume 90: debated on Tuesday 5 March 1901

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I beg to ask the Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education if he will state what practical steps have been taken since August, 1899, under the Board of Education Act, to organise the inspection of secondary schools or to set on foot a register of teachers under Section I (a): and has the recent decision in Regina Cockerton had any effect on the action of the Board of Education in respect of re straining the teaching of science in higher grade schools; and, if so, of what kind.

The inspection of secondary schools can only take place under the Act on their application: seven have been inspected, eighteen others have been arranged for, and thirty-eight applications are still under consideration. The duty of framing regulations for registration of teachers is entrusted by the Vet to the Consultative Committee, who, I understand, have been continuously engaged since their appointment in the performance of this task. The answer to the third question is in the negative.

Pretty frequently; sometimes twice a week. I cannot say definitely without notice.