I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether a second term cadet died at one of the shore establishments of the "Britannia" on the 26th ultimo from complications following upon pneumonia; whether this is the second cadet who has died within eight days from the same cause; whether others are ill; and, if so, how many; whether the hospital is full whether one of the instructors has died from a similar complaint; and whether he can say what is the cause of so much pulmonary disease upon the "Britannia."
May I also ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether one of the naval instructors on board the "Britannia" has recently died, and two cadets are seriously ill; whether the remainder of the cadets have been granted three weeks leave; and, what steps the Admiralty are taking to secure for the future the health of officers and cadets.
It is true that two cadets and one of the instructors of the "Britannia" have recently died from complications following upon pneumonia, and on Sunday last there were sixteen cadets ill, two seriously. The cause of the large amount of pulmonary disease is the prevailing epidemic of influenza of a severe type. The hospital is by no means full. The cadets have been granted three weeks leave, and the ship will be thoroughly purified and disinfected while the cadets are away.
Has the hon. Gentleman's attention been drawn to a statement in the press that the "Britannia" is thoroughly rotten and unfit for the cadets?
We are building an establishment on shore to replace the "Britannia" as quickly as possible.