I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the change made in the diet of the inmates of workhouses in Ireland last year, while imposing 20 to 30 per cent, of an increase in the cost of keeping of each inmate, is not satisfactory to boards of guardians or the inmates; and whether he will leave this question for settlement by the guardians and the medical officer of the workhouse, and not have the fixed rule laid down by the Local Government Board some time since, and which medical officers were directed privately by the Board to have carried out.
Recent changes in the diet of inmates of workhouses, made in accordance with the suggestions of the Local Government Board, have not imposed an increase of 30 per cent, in the cost of maintenance. Since the issue of the Board's circular, the cost of maintenance in Irish workhouses has increased from 3s. 2d. per head to 3s. 2¾d. The Board has not laid down any fixed rule to govern the dietary of workhouse inmates beyond the minimum scale prescribed by the Workhouse Rules of 1849. Less than this scale could not lie allowed, because it would be insufficient to maintain life. The circular of the 13th November, 1899, to which presumably the hon. Member refers, suggested a revision of the existing dietaries on more varied lines, so far as children are concerned. The workhouse medical officers were not directed privately to have the suggestions carried out. The guardians of many unions have shown unwillingness to incur increased expenditure in this matter, but if the improved dietary has not been satisfactory to the inmates in any instances, the Board believes it must be upon the ground that the improvement has not been sufficient.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Visiting Committee of the Carrickmacross Workhouse has intimated that it is not satisfied with the new dietary, which is costing the rates of the union several hundred pounds additional?