I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether there has come under notice of the Irish Executive the widespread losses sustained by sheep owners from the ravages of dogs; and whether the Government will consider the advisability of introducing legislation enabling owners of sheep in Ireland lo receive compensation for such losses out of the Irish dog tax fund.
The attention of Government has been directed to the losses sustained by sheep owners in consequence of the worrying of their stock by dogs. The police have instructions to render every assistance in tracing the owners of dogs causing such injuries. With regard to the suggestion in the last paragraph, the hon. Member does not appear to be aware that the proceeds of the dog licence duty in Ireland, after the deduction of expenses, are paid over to the local authorities in counties and boroughs in aid of local rates. I do not think these authorities would be willing to apply the money so received by them to the payment of compensation to sheep owners. The manner in which the dog licence duty is distributed in Ireland will be found set forth in Parliamentary Paper No. 212 of last year.
Will the right hon. Gentleman instruct the police to look after this matter, in view of the enormous loss sustained by sheep owners?
The Royal Irish Constabulary have been instructed to give every assistance in tracing the owners of dogs.
Will the Chancellor of the Exchequer increase the dog licence duty?
[No answer was given.]