London Water (Purchase) Bill
Order for Second Heading read.
proposed to take the Second Reading on the 25th instant.
protested against a date being thus fixed upon without first extending to him, as an opponent, the courtesy of consulting him. He had not been approached in any way.
If the hon. Baronet objects, the matter stands over until tomorrow, and then he will have an opportunity of consulting the promoters.
said the Local Government Board, the London water companies, and other interests concerned were all agreed that 25th March would be the most convenient day,
said it was impossible for the promoters to know every opponent.
But I have given written notice of opposition.
The hon. Member for West Marylebone agreed with the members of the London County Council that 25th March would be a suitable day.
Very well; I will offer no objection then.
Debate adjourned accordingly.
Private Bills (Standing Order 62 Complied With)
MR. SPEAKER laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, That, in the case of the following Bill, referred on the First Reading thereof, Standing Order No. 62 has been complied with, viz.:—
Burgess Hill Water Bill.
Ordered, That the Bill be read a second time.