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Business Of The House

Volume 90: debated on Wednesday 6 March 1901

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I think it would be for the convenience of the House that I should now announce that we do not propose to-morrow to take the appointment of the Committee on the Civil List as was originally intended, but that the first Order of the Day to-morrow will be an amendment of Standing Order No. 21. The Amendment will read as follows—

"Provided also, that if any Member, or Members acting jointly, who have been suspended under this tinier from the service of the House, shall refuse to obey the direction of the Speaker, the Speaker shall call the attention of the House to the fact that recourse to force is necessary in order to compel obedience to his direction, and the Member or Members who have refused to obey his direction shall thereupon, and without further question put, be suspended from the service of the House during the remainder of the Session."
I give no notice with regard to the Gentlemen who did, unfortunately, refuse to obey your riding, as it is evidently impossible to deal with persons during their enforced absence from this House. I also beg to give notice that I shall suspend the Twelve o'clock Rule to-morrow for the purpose of carrying the amendment of the Standing Order.

Adjourned at five minutes before Six of the clock.