I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether Mr. Douglas Forster has been appointed to a legal post in the Transvaal by or with the knowledge of Sir Alfred Milner; and, if so, what are his duties and his salary; whether he is the same person who, under the name of Adolphus Ellis, was manager of a theatrical company in the Transvaal; and what are his qualifications for the office which he holds.
I have no information on this matter. If the hon. Gentleman wishes me to do so, I am prepared to make inquiries of Sir Alfred Milner; but I would ask him to consider whether, in view of the enormous work now imposed on Sir Alfred, he would wish me to inquire in this case unless he has some evidence to show that Sir Alfred is in any way whatever connected with it.
Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire whether the appointment has been made by any subordinate officer? The right hon. Gentleman will remember that during the last session he spoke to me about this very man.
My present information is confined to an answer given by my right hon. friend the Secretary of State for War, which was to the effect, I think, that this gentle- man had been employed by Lord Roberts. As far as I understand the matter, the gentleman has no connection whatever with Sir Alfred Milner.