I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Local Government Board auditor has certified that the sum of £1,359 17s. 1d. is due by the Treasury to the committee of management of the Castle-bar District Lunatic Asylum for the maintenance of patients for the quarter ending 31st March, 1899, being the contribution of the Treasury as the rate-in-aid; and if ho can explain why the Treasury has not paid this amount.
The following question also appeared on the Paper:—
To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in view of the fact that it has been certified that the Carlow District Asylum is entitled to payment of £884 11s. 4d.—namely, Carlow county £365 9s. 10d, Kildare county £519 1s. 6d., rate-in-aid for the three months ending 31st March, 1899, and as this debt has not been paid, whether he will arrange to have the liability discharged within the next four weeks.
The subject matter of these questions has been already dealt with by me in answer to similar questions concerning other asylums, and I have nothing to add to my replies to these questions. A better opportunity for discussing the matter will arise cither on the Appropriation Bill or the Estimates.