I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the Irish Lights Commissioners are allowed £400 per annum for refreshments; whether such allowance is usual in public boards: and whether it will be continued to the Irish Lights Board.
Yes, Sir, I am aware that an annual sum of £400 has for many years been allowed by the Board of Trade to meet the housekeeping expenses of the Commissioners of Irish Lights. This amount covers the costs incurred by the Committee on the annual tour of inspection round the coast of Ireland, as well as the weekly luncheon on Board days. Having regard to the fact that the Commissioners receive no personal remuneration or allowance, I see no reason for refusing my sanction to this expenditure.
Have the Government any intention to give representation on this Board to the various harbour authorities in Ireland who desire it?
Order, order! That does not arise out of the question about refreshments.
How long does the annual tour round the coast of Ireland take?
I must ask for notice.