I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists amongst tithe owners as to the system by which the tithe averages are ascertained; and whether he will cause inquiry to be made upon this subject.
I am aware that some tithe owners complain that under the Act the average price is too low, on the ground that a good deal of the best grain is not sold in the specified markets and therefore does not enter into the Returns. The tithepayers, on the other hand, say that a good deal of inferior corn is similarly not sold in these markets and the average price is thus unduly raised. The whole system of commutation was, however, from the first based on the principle of taking into account only the corn actually sold to specified classes of purchasers in particular markets. If my hon. friend can show that the existing markets are not fairly representative, inquiry shall be madeābut a revision was only made as recently as 1st January last. If my hon. friend can give specific instances of neglect to make returns of all the corn sold in accordance with the Act, or of failure in any respect to carry out the provisions of the law by any of the returning markets, I shall be glad to have inquiry made.