I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether be is aware that electors are disfranchised if they or members of their family dependent upon them are treated as patients in a workhouse hospital, even though the guardians of the pool' receive full payment from the elector or his friends for the cost of treatment: and that the same disfranchisement takes place if owing to lack of hospital accommodation, the municipality arranges with the guardians for infectious cases for which the municipality is responsible to be treated at the workhouse hospital, and the municipality pays to the guardians the full cost of such treatment: and whether the Government will take steps to prevent such disfranchisement taking place
I am not aware that the allegation contained in the first paragraph of the question is correct. I have no authority to deter- mine whether an elector is disfranchised under any of the conditions referred to in the question, or to take any steps in the matter; but, so far as I am able to form an opinion, a person would not be disfranchised in the circumstances stated.