I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether those portions of the Anglo-Belgian Treaties of 1831, 1839, and 1870, and of the Anglo-Turkish Convention of 1878, as have not been expressly repealed by subsequent international instruments, are still held to be binding upon this country.
The treaty of 15th November, 1831. between Great Britain with other Powers and Belgium was superseded by the Treaty of 19th April, 1839, between the same parties, which is still in force. The treaties between Great Britain and Prussia, of 9th August, 1870. and between Great Britain with France of 11th August, 1870, were of a temporary character only, and ceased to operate twelve months after the ratification of the Treaty of Peace between France and the North German Confederation. The Anglo-Turkish Convention of 4th January, 1878, is still in force; but the obligations of this country under it were made contingent upon certain reforms in that country.