Wexford County Council V Local Government Board
Return [presented 20th March] to be printed. [No. 89.]
Army (Royal Military Academy, Woolwich)
Copy presented, of Report of the Board of Visitors for 1900 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Army (Royal Military College, Sandhurst)
Copy presented, of Report of the Board of Visitors for 1900 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Copy presented, of Finding of a Court of Inquiry, held at Barberton on the 25th September. 1900, to investigate the circumstances under which Lieutenant-Colonel B. E. Spragge, D.S.O., 13th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry, and others, became prisoners of war [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Revenue And Expenditure (England, Scotland, And Ireland)
Return presented, relative thereto [ordered 19th March; Mr. Lough]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 90.]
Imperial Revenue (Collection And Expenditure) (Great Britain And Ireland)
Return presented, relative thereto [ordered 19th March, Mr. Lough]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 91.]
Charity Commission (England And Wales)
Copy presented, of Forty-eighth Report of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Trade Reports (Annual Series)
Copies presented, of Diplomatic and Consular Reports. Annual Series, Nos. 2,562 to 2,564 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Controverted Elections (Maidstone)
Ordered, That the Copy of the Judges' Report and Minutes of Evidence in the Maidstone Election Trial be printed. [No. 92.]—( Mr. Attorney General.)