I beg to ask the Lord Advocate if he will state how many convictions were obtained in the year 1900 against persons engaged in illegal trawling in Scottish waters, and in how many instances there was a repetition of the offence by the same master; will he state in how many cases the men elected to go to prison rather than pay the fines imposed; and whether, in all cases, the trawling gear of convicted trawlers was confiscated.
The information asked for in the first paragraph of the hon. Member's question is in course of preparation by the Fishery Board for Scotland, in answer to an Order of the House of Commons moved for by the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland. The information asked for in the second and third paragraphs will be given in the Board's forthcoming Annual Report.
And when will that Report be ready?
Next week, I hope. It is already in proof form.
Will it he in the hands of Members before the Estimate is taken?
I hope so.