I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the canteen and other regimental losses at Gibraltar owing to the stoppage of payment of Cuby's Bank; whether be is aware that this bank was a semi-private one, kept by a man well known to belong to the class of money-lenders as distinct from that of bankers, and that regimental funds had been allowed to accumulate balances at the bank in excess of the regulations, one battalion losing upwards of £1,000 in canteen and sergeants' mess funds, and another £900; whether one sergeants' mess requested leave to remove its money from the bank, and was refused, and if so, can he explain why, and whether he can state the total loss of regimental moneys; and whether he will cause inquiry to be made as to responsibility in the matter.
The bank referred to is, I presume, that of Messrs. Cuby and Son. My attention has been drawn to the case and a thorough inquiry is being made into it.