I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Staff Sergeant-Major J. S. Loney, who, during the siege of Mafeking, was tried by court-martial, pleaded guilty to the theft of Government foodstuffs, was sentenced to reduction, discharge with ignominy, and five years penal servitude; that, during the final attack on Mafeking, Loney was released and took a gallant part in its defence; and that he is at present serving his time at Portland; and whether, having regard to these facts and also to the fact that before joining Baden-Powell Loney was a warrant officer with an excellent character and fifteen years service, during ten of which he had no entry against him, a mitigation of the sentence may be granted.
This warrant officer stole and sold Government food at a time when the whole of the inhabitants of Mafeking were on rations and undergoing a siege. I cannot undertake to reconsider the case.