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Hamilton Synge Estate, Armagh

Volume 92: debated on Friday 29 March 1901

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I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that twenty-two tenants on the Hamilton Synge Estate, Tullinaval, county Armagh, served originating notices in April, 1899; that their cases were listed, and came before Mr. Edge, at Newtownhamilton, on 19th July, 1900, when they were adjourned at the instance of the receiver, Mr. Meares, who guaranteed to have all requests under Section 40 of The Land Act, 1896, issued at once; that these cases were again adjourned by Judge Ross in November, 1900; and seeing that, though the requests under Section 40 have been issued, the Land Court has not yet sent down two valuers to inspect the holdings, whether he can state when these valuers will be sent; when the cases will be heard; and whether, if not heard before the proposed sale, a reduction in valuation will be made by the Court valuer in proportion to the reduction the tenants would probably have received had their cases come before the Sub-Commission in due course.

In these cases the Land Commissioners, by Order made in November last, adjourned the fair-rent applications pending the result of proceedings under the 40th section of the Act of 1896. The estate is at present being inspected with a view to enable two of the Commissioners to report to the land judge in accordance with the requirements of this section. It would not, in the opinion of the Commissioners, be expedient to carry on the proceedings for fixing judicial rents concurrently with proceedings under Section 40.