Thames And Severn Provisional Order Bill
As amended, considered; to be read the third time upon Monday next.
Electric Lighting Provisional Orders (No 5)
Bill to confirm certain Provisional Orders made by the Board of Trade under the Electric Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, relating to Macclesfield, Ripon, Todmorden, Trowbridge, Ware, Wellingborough (Public Purposes), Wellington (Salop), Widnes. Wisbech, and Workington, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Gerald Balfour and Mr. Austen Chamberlain.
Electric Lighting Provisional Orders (No 5) Bill
"To confirm certain Provisional Orders, made by the Board of Trade under the Electric' Lighting Acts, 1882 and 1888, relating to Macclesfield, Ripon, Todmorden, Trowbridge. Ware. Wellingborough (Public Purposes), Wellington (Salop), Widnes. Wisbech, and Workington," presented accordingly, and read the first time; to be referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, and to be printed. [Bill 132.]