I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state how much money is now in the hands of the Commissioners of Education in Ireland on account of the Roxborough Road School endowment; from what source it is derived; to what purpose, or purposes, it is legally applicable; what became of the rents paid by the tenant for the ten years from 1880 to 1890; whether, during that period, the tenant hold under an agreement which bound him to keep the premises in repair; and whether there is any way now to recover that money for the endowment; and can he say when these premises were last inspected on behalf of the Commissioners of Education; and, as they are public property in which the city of Limerick has an interest, will he see that the present tenant is kept to the terms of his agreement, and does not allow the building to go into disrepair.
The moneys referred to in the first query consist of a sum of £163 10s. 1d. cash, and £63 1s. 6d. stock, all derived from the rent payable by the present tenant of the school. The Commissioners are not in a position to state to what purposes these moneys are applicable. A sum of £210 was received by way of rent between 1880 and 1890. Of this, a sum of £188 17s. 6d. was expended by the Commissioners on repairs. The tenant is bound to keep the premises in good repair, reasonable wear and damage excepted. He appears to have expended on the premises, out of his money, a sum of £160 in the same period. The buildings have not been inspected on behalf of the Commissioners since 1892. The present tenant is bound by his agreement to give up the premises in as good condition and repair as he received them.