I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the Land Commissioners, Messrs. Lynch and Wrench, made an order in respect of the values of the various tenancies on the townlands of Drumsally, Dromalta, and Dromcloher, in the parish of Cappamore, county Limerick, on the estate of Lady De Burgh, with a view to have those lands sold to the tenants under the 40th section of the Land Act of 1896; and, having regard to the fact that the tenants and the mortgagees and others interested in the sale have all agreed to the proposed terms, can he say what is now preventing the sale from coming to an issue, and will he take steps that on the earliest opportunity the matter may be brought to a completion.
An Order was issued in January last by the Land Judge for the sale of the lands in question to the tenants under section 40. I understand that the procedure of making the offers is now being carried out.