I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state how many "P" head constables have been examined for the rank of district inspector since the rule came into force of working with "P," as above those who passed the educational examination; how many of those men were clerks, and how many of those were clerks at the Castle; and how many of the men who were clerks have been successful at those examinations; whether he is aware that dissatisfaction exists in connection with Mr. Singleton; and can he state how many times this gentleman has presided at the Board of Examiners.
The number of head constables possessing the "P" qualification who have been examined for the rank of district inspector is 59. Only one of these men held the position of clerk, though not at the Castle, and he was unsuccessful. The answer to the second paragraph is in the negative. Mr. Singleton has presided at three examinations.
What is meant by the mysterious "P."?
I believe it means an examination for the rank of District Inspector.