I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether the attention of His Majesty's Commissioner of Woods and Forests has been given to the numerous fires which have recently broken out in the New Forest; if he can state what precautions have been taken by the Crown authorities to guard against and prevent the destruction of this beautiful public property; whether they have any evidence that this wanton waste is the work of incendiaries; and if any persons have been apprehended, convicted, and punished for such offences.
This matter has long been the subject of serious consideration, and there are grave reasons for suspecting that in many instances the fires are spread by incendiaries. Rewards have been offered for information, but without effect. The Commissioners of Woods are considering what further steps can lie taken to check the practice. Two youths were tried at the Winchester Assizes and released on their own recognizances.
Asked if any arrest had been made in connection with a fire last Easter by which 2,000 acres were destroyed,
replied that he believed not, unless it was the case of the two boys already mentioned.