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Incorporated Law Society

Volume 157: debated on Thursday 24 May 1906

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I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord - Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the president's speech at a meeting of the Incorporated Law Society; will he cause the correspondence that passed between the Incorporated Law Society and the Estates Commissioners to be laid upon the Table; and is it his intention to take steps to increase the staff to enable the Land Act to be worked with more expedition.

Since the Question appeared on the Paper, I have obtained a copy of a newspaper containing a report of the proceedings mentioned. I am informed that the correspondence between the Incorporated Law Society and the Estates Commissioners has already been published in the Dublin newspapers. I should doubt whether in the circumstances it is worth while to have it printed and be laid on the Table as a Parliamentary Paper. The staff of the Estates Commissioners has recently been increased for the purpose mentioned in the Question, and the Commissioners have at present under consideration the question of expediting procedure.