I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether Civil Service, Naval, and Military pensions payable to inmates in Irish lunatic asylums are reducible by what- ever amount is paid to those asylums as capitation grant; if so, what fund receives the benefit of the amounts so deducted.
The Answer to the first part of the hon. Member's Question is in the affirmative. The deductions are made in pursuance of Section 7 (2) of the Superannuation Act of 1887. The amounts deducted remain to the benefit of the Vote to which the pensions are chargeable.
asked if steps would be taken to credit the Local Taxation (Ireland) Account with a sum equivalent to that deducted from the pensions of inmates.
I quite appreciate the point of the hon. Member's Question, and I will took into the matter.
asked if stops could not be taken to make the pensions payable to those dependent on the pensioners.
I will inquire into that matter.