I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the grazing farm of Annagheur, comprising a portion of the Miss Nicholson estate, situate at Castlebawldin, near Riverstown, county Sligo, and at present in the equity court, has been leased for a term of years under a court letting, to one James Murrin, a former herd of the farm; and, if so, will he state the circumstances under which this letting took place, and explain why the demands of the uneconomic landholders of the district to have this farm utilised for the enlargement of their holdings, were not acceded to.
The registrar of the Land Judge's Court informs me that the estate in question is being administered by the land judge as receiver judge in a Chancery action of Gorman v. Gately. The letting to Murrin, under a court tenancy, of part of the lands in question, was made in accordance with the usual practice of the Court and after full consideration by the learned judge; and as the acceptance of Murrin's proposal was a judicial act, the judge is not prepared to discuss the circumstances of the case or the reasons that actuated him in making the letting.