I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Widow Lynch and Michael Lynch, tenants on the O'Gready property at Cleagh, New-market-on-Fergas, in the county of Clare, applied several times to the Estates Commissioners to reinstate them in their farms from which they were evicted in.November, 1886 for the non-payment of one year's rent, and that emergency men are in their farm since they were evicted; whether two emergency men and one policeman were shot at and wounded on account of this farm; and will he inquire whether the Estates Commissioners will take up those farms for the tenants.
The Estates Commissioners inform me that they have received applications for reinstatement from the persons named, and have directed one of their inspectors to inquire into the cases.
Will the right hon. Gentleman consider the desirability of withdrawing the police from these farms?
said that did not arise out of the Question on the Paper.