I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, in reference to negotiations for the sale of the Hunger-ford and Cloran Estate, barony of Duhallow, county Cork, whether the Estates Commissioners are now in a position to say whether pressure to sign a purchase agreement has been brought to bear on Denis Breen, the present occupant of two evicted farms, with a view to exclude the two evicted tenants, in the shape of a writ for one year's arrears of rent; whether the Commissioners will instruct their inspector to inquire into this alleged pressure, and, if such is found to be the case, will the Commissioners decline to sanction the purchase under existing circumstances?
The Estates Commissioners inform me that they have referred this case to one of their inspectors for inquiry, but until the inspector's report has been received they are unable to say what action they may take in the matter.